Today was the last dance class for this season. I really think the girls learned a bit about themselves or simply just gained a little courage by taking this class. It took them about three weeks to settle in, but after that they were happy, independent dancers that enjoyed learning new things. It was nice to watch them gain comfort and confidence by trying something new.
These Saturday morning were not just about dance class ,we always seemed to make an outing out of it! Near the recreation center where the dance class was held there was the best park ever and at this park lived many, many Rolly Pollys. Ellie figured out pretty quick that if she touched these creatures they would roll up in a ball and she could fling them across the side walk. She loved her little friends that waited for her outside her dance class.
After we managed to roll up as many Rolly Pollys as two toddlers could handle we would share a picnic lunch before we headed to the ultimate attraction the Tire Swing!
I really looked forward to these Saturdays, so simple yet so sweet!
I believe swim lessons are the next organized recreational activity for the girls, lots to look forward too!