Gluten Free Baking

I'm only now really getting into gluten free baking, after several years of fits and starts of getting my son onto a gluten free (really, gluten limited) diet. If you would like to know details of our story, feel free to email me, and I'll be happy to tell you all about it. For his sake, I don't feel it's appropriate to blog about for all the world to read. I'm a pretty open person, but this is where I decide to honor my kid as an individual because my hope is that he will grow up into a responsible adult with his own life and his own reputation to make and uphold.
That being said, I will tell you that we have found that our son's emotional and mental state are negatively affected by gluten. He's a much better him when he's NOT had gluten. Now that he's 12, and the stakes are so much higher (in my former-middle-school-teacher opinion), I'm being more aggressive about keeping him away from gluten and part of that is making some gluten free baked goods myself, because much of what I've seen out there is either gross or creepy (gf bagels that smell and taste like feet, and shelf-stable gf breads--weird). I clearly like to bake, and I've finally discovered a gluten free flour that makes delicious baked goods: Better Batter Gluten Free All Purpose Flour. I don't write this because they're a sponsor and they're giving me money or products. I buy it just like everyone else...because it's awesome. Go to their website to read about Naomi Poe's story of how she came up with this flour blend.
I don't have a ton of gf recipes yet, but in the coming months (now that I've purchased my 25 pound bag of Better Batter) I hope to add several more. If you're looking for a large amount and variety of gf recipes, start at the Better Batter website and then also go to Gluten Free On a Shoestring. She's got a ton of great recipes too.
Again, if you have any questions about what I know about gf baking, or about my kid's condition, please feel free to email me.
P.S. Because I started my gluten free label for my posts before I started baking much, you might find some non-baking recipes in this section. The misnomer frustrates me a little, but I'm going to leave it as is out of laziness and the hope that maybe some gluten free recipe seeker will like it.